Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A bitter-sweet goodbye

One week ago today we had to say goodbye to Alice.  She flew back to Poland after spending 2 wonderful months with her friends and family.  She was able to connect with a lot people and tell about all the WONDERFUL things God is doing in Poland. (for more info on her ministry in Poland, check out her blog-the link is to the right!) It was great to have her here for so long.  We are praying she is able to come home next Christmas for a few weeks.

We were sad to see her leave, but we know that her heart is in love with the youth of Poland and she was anxious to get back to the students and families she has invested in.

She met David for the first time and was able to spend a lot of time with him.  Her are some photos of their last day together.

I love you, Auntie Alice!  ~Love, David

1 comment:

h2o Extreme Makeover said...

I m missing you guys so much!!!!

Love you!