Thursday, October 16, 2008

5 Months!

Wow! David is 5 months old today!  Sometimes we feel like it was just yesterday when we saw him for the first time! Crazy.  It is a BLESSING to say that we have enjoyed every moment and are taking it all in!  David is a joy to have and brightens our days with his smile, laughter and fun new sounds and discoveries.

We started a new strategy to teach David to sleep longer at night and for his naps.  We are very pleased to say that he is now sleeping all night (8PM - 7/8AM) without getting up to eat (he was eating 1 or 2 times at night) and is taking longer naps (anywhere from 1 to 2 1/2 hours at a time... up from 30 minutes!)

He's now rolling over a little more regularly, but gets frustrated when he can't quite figure out what he did to get over the last time!

Here's a funny conversation Bill and I had last weekend.  David was playing on the floor in front of me and was doing a good job of sitting up on his own.  He started to fall over and...

Bill: Aren't  you going to catch him when he falls?
Me: Do you want me to be a helicopter parent and not let him ever fall and learn?  Should I hover over him and protect him from ever being hurt?  Do you really want me to hold him every step of the way?

Of course all of this was said with laughter and smiles.  We talk a lot about how parents at his school rescue their kids all the time and never let them learn from their mistakes or take consequences for their actions.

Then this:

We are very excited to be heading to Arizona to be with the Bethel family for a week.  Rich is coming out with Shelby and her son!  And Laura is coming out the week get back!  

Fun times ahead for the Robbins Nest!


Gow_spot said...

teehee! i love the slow mo face plant!

and way to NOT be a helicopter parent donnie! woot woot!

can't wait to come visit!!

then we can let our kiddos face plant together. =)

Anonymous said...

Oh Donna B!! I love reading your blog and getting a peek into your life! I feel like it's been forever since I saw you but then I look at your blog and there you are...still the same! Congrats on your wonderful hubby and son!! And I've been peeking at Laura and her fam too and I'm so glad you two still keep in contact!!

Alice Robbins said...

Love it! He is getting cuter and cuter! I cannot wait!!!