Sunday, July 6, 2008

Why We Haven't Blogged Recently...

1:17 AM
Our new video camera has night vision which has enabled us to see if David is asleep or not without turning on any lights in our room. This is him about a week ago. Needless to say, we've been sleeping when he sleeps, which is during the day. We're working on shifting his days and nights. Right now, 'night time' for him is from about 1:30/2:00 AM until 10:00 AM. It's the right amount of time, just a few hours off!
We've managed to download recent pictures and will be posting them this week (hopefully tomorrow, we'll see how tonight goes).
For now, here are the latest stats:
*David weighs 8 pounds even as of Wednesday 7/3 which means he's gaining more than what is needed to be 'healthy'.
*When he's awake, he's been more and more responsive to us and our voices. He'll reach for his stuffed animals and loves looking at himself (and us) in the mirror.
*We are loving every moment with him and trying to take it all in!!
--David was awake most of today so we are hoping for more sleep tonight...maybe this pattern has finally shifted! PLEASE PRAY!

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