Thursday, August 21, 2008

Another Picture and a Video

David has been such a happy little guy lately...we are having a blast with him. Just trying to take in every moment and love on him as best as we can. He's 3 months old and 11 pounds now, so he's gained 7 pounds since birth. He's definitely making up for lost time! Since Bill works at a high school, we were spoiled (and more than that, BLESSED) to have all three of us together for David's first 3 months. We were able to bond as a family and tag team the sleepless nights. Bill has now gone back to work :( and although some days feel longer than others, David and I are settling into a routine.

Just wanted to share a few of our favorite moments!

David has a little blanket with a football in the middle. He loves to grab at the blanket and lick the football. This is true for most things...he licks anything that comes near his mouth!


Alice Robbins said...

I can't wait to come home to see my little "DC"! Just a few more months!

Carlee said...

Already a man's man, huh? Going for the football :o)

THE GTEAM said...

Ahhh..LOVE those smiles!

Gow_spot said...

soooooo cute!
i love it donnie.
thanks for textin me the pix too!
his smile is ADORABLE!!!

can't wait to chat- and hear how you two are doing at home with Bill back at work.

we slept all day yesterday and am unlaoding suitcases today....
will call ya today or tomorrow.. soon...
miss you!
love you!