Thursday, February 28, 2008

Baby Update - Week 24...6 months!

The last baby update we posted was at 11 weeks! I figured it was time to do another, since sooooo much happened in 13 weeks!

How B-Rob is growing (we aren't going to find out what we are having, so all references to gender are strickly for your reading pleasure!)

Your baby's growing steadily, gaining about a quarter of a pound since last week, when she was just over a pound. Since she's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), that makes a pretty lean figure, but her body is filling out proportionally and she'll soon put on more baby fat. Your baby's skin is thin, translucent, and wrinkled, her brain is growing rapidly, and her taste buds are developing. Her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" and cells that produce surfactant, a substance that helps the air sacs inflate easily.
Here's a picture of our little one:

I've been feeling little kicks for about 2 months, but just last weekend we were able to feel them from the outside. Bill is THRILLED to be feeling his little bear kick or punch him. The other night we even saw the kicks from the outside. B-Rob was really active and stretching like a little athlete! We are having so much fun and can't wait to see our baby...but not yet!
Be looking early next week for pictures from this weekend...I'm off to Nashville tonight to spend the weekend with my best friend since high school, Laura Gowan (DeVries)! She's due with her first baby the middle of I'm sure we'll be having some good laughs!

1 comment:

THE GTEAM said...

Wow, wow, is just miraculous! I hope you had a wonderful time with Laura!